Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Floral Designing?

If I want to become a floral designer one day, what department would i go into at college, and what degree would I need?

Floral Designing?
You're going to need to know:

Botany and Horticulture: Health, growth, compatibility, and more about the products -- flowers and plants -- as well as chemicals used to preserve and grow them.

Business Management: Creative and new ways to develop, maintain and grow your clietele, assuming you want to own a shop or business some day.

Design and Color Theory: This one would seem obvious, but for some, would be the first picked, and they'd forget the importance of the others.

Here's where a mentor would help. You'd do well to find a passionate florist near you, who's willing to share how he or she got there. Hopefully you find someone who's not threatened by your interest in the field, unless you plan to open shop next to them, lol.

They might tell you that you need no college at all, and that some business courses are all you'll need, or some art courses at your local art gallery.

Depending upon your age and experience, this is a good time to sit down and see what you really are starting with as far as your known talents:

Are you a brilliant artist with no business sense?

Did you grow up helping run the family store but now need to know about design?

Do you want to actually grow some of your own product to sell?

These are questions a good, talented counselor at your university will ask, and will help guide you into the right choices for your educational expenses.

Keep in mind that you have the option to withdraw from some courses if you find they're entirely inappropriate, but it's better that you feel really excited about the choices first, and the best way for that is to examine the choices carefully so you're sure of them -- you get the idea...

Good Luck... :)
Reply:if your going to go to school I would say botany and horticulture.

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