Friday, February 3, 2012

What should I do if I think my cat has been nibbling carnations?

He's always enjoyed munching on plants and floral arrangements we have in the house, but think this time it's made him sick and he's been throwing up a little bit since last night. Are carnations bad for cats?? What should I do? I already threw them away.

What should I do if I think my cat has been nibbling carnations?
Depending on whether it's worth it to you to take him to the vet when it might be nothing, you should just watch him for the next 24 hours or so. If they eat something that's not good for them it's normal for them to throw up, drink a lot of water, and be somewhat lethargic, but if it lasts longer than about a day you should probably take him in.

For any future plant life you plan to have indoors, you might want to get a natural cat repellant. There's one you can buy at Pet Smart that contains lemon grass and a bittering agent and it won't hurt the cat or the plant. If you have the plant inside more than a few days you'll have to respray it to make sure he gets a nice bitter mouthful if he takes a bite. Then after a while he will probably get the idea and leave your flowers alone.
Reply:If you don't know for sure what your cat ate, I'd say take him to the vet pronto. There are a lot of plants and other things that cats can eat to make them very sick. Other symptoms to consider are: is he eating his regular food? Is he drinking a lot of water? Is there diarrhea or some such other ailment? If he's doing better now, then it's probably no big deal. Cats aren't supposed to eat plants, so any plant material is bad for his digestion.
Reply:no, they are not poisonous, but Lily's are......fatal! Animals will vomit if they eat grass and plants. My suggestion, arrange your plants so they are off the ground. Sometimes cats eat plants because they are lacking something in their own diet, the same way a dog will eat his own feces. Also, tylenol is fatal or any other acetominophine derivitive.

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